ISSN Online : 2528-0759

ISSN Print : 2085-5842

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

About Journal

Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan (JIPK; English: Scientific Journal of Fisheries and Marine)

ISSN International Centre  |  ISSN:2528-0759 (Online)  |  ISSN: 2085-5842 (Print)

JIPK is a peer-reviewed and open access biannually (April and November) that published by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga. The aim of JIPK is to publish exciting, empirical research, recent science development, and high-quality science that addresses fundamental questions in fisheries and marine. JIPK only accepts manuscripts written in full English and processes submitted original script related of scope to fisheries and marine science and not being published by other publishers. We publish four categories of papers; 1) Original research papers2) Critical review articles, 3) Short communications, and, 4) Special Issue on applied or scientific research relevant to freshwater, brackish and marine environments. This journal gives readers the state of art of the theory and its applications of all aspects of fisheries and marine science. The scope of this journal includes, but is not limited to the research results of: Aquaculture, Fish Diseases, Marine science, Oceanography, Aquatic resources management, Fisheries product technology, Fish capture, technology, Fishery agribusiness, Fishery biotechnology/molecular genetics, Fish health management.

JIPK has been indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, Sinta 1, Dimensions, Crossref, and others indexing. This journal has been accredited as a 1st Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta 1) by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia since 8 December 2020.

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News of Bereavement

February 13, 2024

"We are deeply saddened by the passing of Vinita Navyona Kurnia Arifin, Assistant Editor and Admin of Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Vinita's dedication and contributions to our team will always be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time. May her soul rest in peace."


January 22, 2024

Referring to the increasing quality of our indexing, we hereby announce that the APC (publication fee) will be raised to USD 200 starting from Volume 16 No. 2. Manuscripts that have been accepted and are included in the next issue will be subjected to a new APC regulation. We notify authors well in advance so that authors are aware of this new regulation and can prepare well.

Thank you.


Surabaya, January 22nd, 2024

Editorial Team of JIPK

Indexed In


Research Articles

September 14, 2023
Arini Resti Fauzi, Munti Yuhana, Widanarni Widanarni, Mia Setiawati, Usamah Afiff
Statistic: 595
December 21, 2023
Tia Erfianti, Budi Setiadi Daryono, Arief Budiman, Eko Agus Suyono
Statistic: 428
September 7, 2023
Taufiq Abdullah, Dinamella Wahjuningrum, Widanarni Widanarni
Statistic: 283
December 21, 2023
Okky Rizal Kusuma, Luky Adrianto , Fery Kurniawan, Andi Zulfikar
Statistic: 270
January 3, 2024
Asro Nurhabib, Aida Sartimbul, Mimit Primyastanto, Maheno Sri Widodo, Lugu Tri Handoko, Andra Rejekining Rahayu, Suharun Martudi
Statistic: 294
December 3, 2023
Amir Yarkhasy Yuliardi, Randi Firdaus
Statistic: 260
December 20, 2023
Adi Tiya Yanuar , Abd. Aziz Amin, Lutfi Ni'matus Salamah , Frentina Murty Sujadi, Ekwan Nofa Wiratno, Citra Satrya Utama Dewi, Andi Kurniawan
Statistic: 239
January 27, 2024
Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Himnna Sayyidatul Islamiyah, Ghishella Ayu Rahmawati, Fadhilah Atika Putri, Rizka Sandra Amalia, Putranti Hikmah Triningtyas, Dwi Yuli Pujiastuti, Adibi Rahiman bin Md Nor
Statistic: 257
December 2, 2023
Ervina Wahyu Setyaningrum, Mega Yuniartik, Shinta Hiflina Yuniari
Statistic: 228
November 16, 2023
Lukman Mile, Happy Nursyam, Dwi Setijawati, Titik Dwi Sulistiyati
Statistic: 368
December 5, 2023
Zuhud Rozaki, Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin, Mona Fairuz Ramli, Elvina Nurrohma, Novara Nurvinka Ramadhani, Winda Ismah Setyoasih, Masateru Senge
Statistic: 264
January 27, 2024
Fevi Rahma Dwi Putri, Arif Satria, Rilus A. Kinseng, Taryono Taryono
Statistic: 169
More Articles
November 1, 2017
Agustono agustono, Widya Paramita, Afifa Khalida
Statistic: 384
September 14, 2023
Arini Resti Fauzi, Munti Yuhana, Widanarni Widanarni, Mia Setiawati, Usamah Afiff
Statistic: 367
April 1, 2015
Sri Subekti, Rengga Eko Pradipta, Kismiyati Kismiyati
Statistic: 365
April 1, 2014
Agustono Agustono
Statistic: 323
December 21, 2023
Tia Erfianti, Budi Setiadi Daryono, Arief Budiman, Eko Agus Suyono
Statistic: 314
November 1, 2015
Gunanti Mahasri, Kusnoto Kusnoto, Era Insivitawati
Statistic: 305
April 1, 2014
Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Galuh Ajeng Kusumaningrum, Endang Dwi Masithah
Statistic: 298
May 10, 2019
Imra Imra, Mohammad Fadnan Akhmadi, Diana Maulianawati
Statistic: 288
April 1, 2017
Sulastri Arsad, Ahmad Afandy, Atika P Purwadhi, Betrina Maya V, Dhira K Saputra, Nanik Retno Buwono
Statistic: 274
May 10, 2019
Nurus Samsiyah, Anita Dewi Moelyaningrum, Prehatin Trirahayu Ningrum
Statistic: 270
June 2, 2018
Arif Bimantara
Statistic: 260
June 2, 2018
Nanik Retno Buwono, Raden Qonitah Nurhasanah
Statistic: 255
April 1, 2010
A. Shofy Mubarak, Diah Ayu Satyari U, Rahayu Kusdarwati
Statistic: 2376
June 2, 2018
Nanik Retno Buwono, Raden Qonitah Nurhasanah
Statistic: 1890
November 30, 2018
Apri Arisandi, Badrud Tamam, Achmad Fauzan
Statistic: 1670
November 1, 2009
Slamet Subyakto, Dede Sutende, Moh. Afand, Sofiati Sofiati
Statistic: 1512
April 1, 2017
Sulastri Arsad, Ahmad Afandy, Atika P Purwadhi, Betrina Maya V, Dhira K Saputra, Nanik Retno Buwono
Statistic: 1496
November 30, 2018
Fariedah Fani, Audia Audia, Yuwanita Rani, Qurrota A'yunin, Tahapari Evi
Statistic: 1319
November 1, 2015
Gunanti Mahasri, Kusnoto Kusnoto, Era Insivitawati
Statistic: 1305
April 1, 2017
Apri Arisandi, Badrud Tamam, Raini Yuliandari
Statistic: 1289
November 30, 2018
Ahmad Fungky Andria, Sri Rahmaningsih
Statistic: 1276
April 1, 2009
Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Wahyu Tjahjaningsih, Anugraheny Widaratna Pratiwi
Statistic: 1249
November 1, 2009
Kismiyati Kismiyati, Sri Subekti, R. Wahid Nur Yusuf, Rahayu Kusdarwati
Statistic: 1157
November 1, 2015
Abdul Manan, Harini Citra Pratiwi
Statistic: 925


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